IAAPA, globalne stowarzyszenie branży atrakcji, wręczyło swoje nagrody IAAPA Brass Ring Awards w środę, 20 listopada podczas IAAPA Expo 2019 w Orlando na Florydzie.
Coroczne nagrody doceniają parki rozrywki, parki wodne, zoo, akwaria, muzea, rodzinne centra rozrywki (FEC) oraz dostawców z całego świata za doskonałość w zakresie żywności i napojów, gier, sprzedaży detalicznej, zasobów ludzkich, rozrywki na żywo, marketingu oraz nowych produktów i eksponatów.
Tradycja mosiężnego pierścienia, który jest obecnie synonimem spektakularnych osiągnięć, sięga 1800 roku, kiedy pierścienie były zawieszone na karuzelach, stanowiąc zabawne wyzwanie dla uczestników zabawy. Udane złapanie pierścienia podczas jazdy na karuzeli skutkowało zdobyciem nagrody dla sprytnego uczestnika, np. w postaci dodatkowej bezpłatną przejażdżki. Większość pierścieni była wykonana z żelaza, ale kilka z mosiądzu, więc chwycenie mosiężnego pierścienia było pożądaną i świętowaną ucztą.
Nagrody IAAPA Brass Ring Awards honorują tę tradycję, premiując osiągnięcia doskonałości w branży atrakcji na całym świecie. Nagrody IAAPA Brass Ring Awards są uważane za jedno z najbardziej prestiżowych wyróżnień branży atrakcji turystycznych na świecie.
Poniżej znajdziecie listę tegorocznych nagród w poszczególnych kategoriach. Ja skupię się na dosłownie kilku, które najbardziej mnie zaskoczyły i zainteresowały.
Major Ride/Attraction (Product cost less than US$2 million)
First Place: Zamperla, Booth 2024 and 2031, Nebulaz
Games & Devices (Arcade & Video Games and Equipment)
First Place: Bay Tek Entertainment, Booth 1015, Connect 4 Hoops
Games & Devices (Midway Games and Equipment)
First Place: Bob’s Space Racers, Inc., Booth 2615 and 2815, Hang Time
Best New Product Concept Award: Major Ride Attraction
First Place: Wiegand Josef GMBH & Co. KG, Booth 3486, SlideCoaster
Best New Product Concept Award: Major Ride/Attraction
First Place: Holovis, Booth 1378, Li-Fly
2019 IAAPA Brass Ring Award winners are:
Top Family Entertainment Center (FEC) of the World
Cinergy Entertainment Amarillo, Amarillo, Texas, United States, cinergy.com/locations/amarillo/
Food and Beverage Excellence
Best New Menu Item – Annual Attendance Less than 1 Million:
“Unicorn Cotton Candy Tacos,” Jake’s Unlimited, Mesa, Arizona, United States, jakesunlimited.com/
Best New Menu Item – Annual Attendance More than 1 Million:
“BLT Panzzanella Bowl,” San Diego Zoo, San Diego, California, United States, zoo.sandiegozoo.org/
Games and Retail Excellence
Best Plush: “Porg,” Disney Parks, Lake Buena Vista, Florida and Anaheim, California, United States disneyparks.disney.go.com/
Best Apparel: “Children’s Shaun the Sheep Hooded Sweat,” Paradise Country – Gold Coast Australia, paradisecountry.com.au/
Best Hard Good Item:
“Savi’s Workshop – Handbuilt Lightsabers,” Disney Parks, Lake Buena Vista, Florida and Anaheim, California, United States, disneyparks.disney.go.com/
Best Visual Merchandising:
“Droid Depot: Custom Astromech Units,” Disney Parks, Lake Buena Vista, Florida and Anaheim, California, United States, disneyparks.disney.go.com/
Best Midway Game Operation
“Morey’s Piers Game Operation,” Morey’s Piers and Beachfront Water Parks, Wildwood, New Jersey, United States, moreyspiers.com/
Judges Award: Best Plush Item
“Little Ndaba,” Naples Zoo, Naples, Florida, United States, napleszoo.org/
Human Resources Excellence
Best Employee Engagement Initiative – Annual Attendance Less than 1 Million:
Ferrari World Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, ferrariworldabudhabi.com/
Best Employee Engagement Initiative – Annual Attendance More than 1 Million:
Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk, Santa Cruz, California, United States, beachboardwalk.com/
Best Employee Reward and Recognition Program – Annual Attendance More than 1 Million:
Europa-Park, Rust, Germany, europapark.de/
Best Innovation in a Training Program – Annual Attendance Less than 1 Million:
Pacific National Exhibition, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, pne.ca/
Best Innovation in a Training Program – Annual Attendance More than 1 Million:
Whiting’s Foods on the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk, Santa Cruz, California, United States, beachboardwalk.com/
Live Entertainment Excellence
Best Atmosphere/Street Show Performance/Act: “Green Army Drum Corps,” Disney’s Hollywood Studios, Disney Parks Live Entertainment, Orlando, Florida, United States, disneyworld.disney.go.com/destinations/hollywood-studios/
Best Performer: Annie Huckaba, Dollywood Theme Park, Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, United States, www.dollywood.com/
Best Live “Edutainment” Show: “Hershey’s Unwrapped,” Hershey’s Chocolate World, Hershey, Pennsylvania, United States, hersheys.com/chocolateworld/
Best Theatrical Production: Annual Attendance More than 1 Million:
“Legend of Camel Bells,” Huaxia Cultural Resort – Xi’an, Shanxi Province, China, huaxiawenlv.com
Most Creative Christmas Show: “Up on the Rooftop,” Hersheypark, Hershey, Pennsylvania, United States, hersheypark.com/
Most Creative Halloween Haunt, Show, or Experience: “Below,” Walibi Holland, Biddinghuizen, Netherlands, walibi.nl
Most Creative Multimedia Spectacular: “Dancing Islands,” Fantawild International Limited, Shenzhen, China, fantawild.com
Most Creative Property-wide Event: Annual Attendance Less than 1 Million:
“Winterfest,” Ferrari World Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, ferrariworldabudhabi.com/
Most Creative Property-wide Event: Annual Attendance More than 1 Million:
“SeaWorld Christmas Celebration,” SeaWorld Orlando, Orlando, Florida, United States, seaworld.com/orlando/
Most Creative Show Featuring Animals: “Sea Lions Tonite,” SeaWorld Orlando, Orlando, Florida, United States, seaworld.com/orlando/
Most Creative Sports/Stunt Show: “Paddington on Ice – the Grand Voyage,” Europa-Park, Rust, Germany, europapark.de/
Spirit Award
The Spirit Award is given to the most outstanding person who works behind-the-scenes to support high-quality entertainment value of the nominating attraction. This year’s Spirit Award went to Katja Mack, Europa-Park, Rust, Germany, europapark.de/
Excellence in Marketing
Best Digital Marketing Campaign: “Snake,” Gröna Lund, Stockholm, Sweden, gronalund.com/
Best Integrated Marketing Campaign: “Skin Exhibit Integrate Campaign,” California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, California, United States, calacademy.org/
Best Outdoor Advertisement: “2018 San Diego Zoo Jungle Bells Campaign,” San Diego Zoo Global, San Diego, California, United States, sdzsafaripark.org/
Best Public Relations Campaign: “Six Flags St. Louis – Coffin Challenge,” Six Flags St. Louis, Eureka, Missouri, United States, sixflags.com/stlouis
Best Radio or Streaming Audio Commercial: “Dino Roar Valley,” Dino Roar Valley, Lake George, New York, United States, lakegeorgeexpeditionpark.com
Best Social Media Campaign: “You Can’t Do This At Home Campaign,” Silver Dollar City, Branson, Missouri, United States, silverdollarcity.com
Best Television or Digital Video Commercial – Annual Attendance Less than 250,000:
“Stupet – Where Heroes are Born,” Rogaland Fritidspark AS – Kongeparken, Ålgård, Norway kongeparken.no/
Best Television or Digital Video Commercial: Annual Attendance 250,000 – 1 Million: “Be A Kid With Your Kid,” Silverwood Theme Park, Athol, Idaho, United States, silverwoodthemepark.com/
Best Television or Digital Video Commercial – Annual Attendance More than 1 Million:
“Skin Exhibit Advertising Campaign,” California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, California, United States, calacademy.org/
IMAGE AWARD WINNER: Bob’s Space Racers, Inc., Booth 2615, 2815
Booth Size 100 – 199 Square Feet
First Place: Party Cannon, Booth 4683
Second Place: People VisionFX, Booth 2166
Booth Size 200 – 399 Square Feet
First Place: Imagination Corporation, Booth 671
Second Place: HB Leisure Ltd., Booth 3418
Booth Size 400 – 499 Square Feet
First Place: Backyard X-Scapes Commercial, Booth 3462
Second Place: Laserblast, Booth 4269
Booth Size 500 – 899 Square Feet
First Place: Arihant Water Park Equipment, Booth 1844
Second Place: Splashtacular, LLC, Booth 3254
Booth Size 900 – 1,200 Square Feet
First Place: Tree-Mendous Aerial Adventures, Booth 1354
Second Place: Sandy Creek Mining Company, Booth 3487
Booth Size 1,201 and Larger Square Feet
First Place: Bob’s Space Racers, Inc., Booth 2615, 2815
Second Place: Polin Waterparks, Booth 847
Major Ride/Attraction (Product cost of US$5 million or more)
First Place: Intamin Ltd., Booth 3424, Dueling LSM Triple Launch Coaster – Dueling Dragons
Second Place: Dynamic Attractions, Booth 1358, Batman: Knight Flight – Robotic Arm Ride with updated Track Switches
Major Ride/Attraction (Product cost of US$2 to US$5 million)
First Place: WhiteWater Attractions, Booth 2254, Spinning Rapids Ride
Second Place: Zamperla, Booth 2024 and 2031, Super Air Race
Major Ride/Attraction (Product cost less than US$2 million)
First Place: Zamperla, Booth 2024 and 2031, Nebulaz
Second Place: Ride Engineers Switzerland, Booth 3472, Rollerball M
Kiddie Ride/Attraction
First Place: Treetop Trekking, Booth E7421, TreeWalk Village
Second Place: Eurogames SRL, Booth 3869, BIG CAR OUTLANDER
Water Park Ride/Attraction (Product cost of less than US$1 million)
First Place: WhiteWater, Booth 2250, Tailspin
Water Park Ride/Attraction (Product cost of US $1 million or more)
First Place: ProSlide Technology, Inc., Booth 1838 and 2035, Dueling PIPElineBLAST / FlyingSAUCER
Second Place: WhiteWater, Booth 2250, Over/Under
Patron Participation Ride/Attraction
First Place: VR Coaster GmbH & Co. KG, Booth 2669, VR Bumper Cars
Second Place: Ice-World International, Booth 2772, IceByk®
Technology Applied to Amusements (Product or Service used by Consumers)
First Place: Pool Safe Inc., Booth 3236, PoolSafe
Second Place: Convergence, LLC, Booth 2684, Automatic Itinerary Planner for Handling Timed-ticket Packages in Web/POS/Kiosk
Technology Applied to Amusements (Product or Service used by Facilities)
First Place: Dynamic Attractions, Booth 1358, Loading / Unloading system
Second Place: Valo Motion, Booth E7141, Super Stomp
Food Services
First Place: VITO Fryfilter, Booth 3956, VITO 80 oil filter system – connect
Second Place: VITO Fryfilter, Booth 3956, VITO FT 440 – Frying oil tester
Merchandising & Retail Products
First Place: NXT Capture, Booth 3311, NXT Spinning Video
Second Place: Apple Industries, Inc., Booth 1600, MARVEL ADVENTURE LAB by FACE PLACE
Games & Devices (Arcade & Video Games and Equipment)
First Place: Bay Tek Entertainment, Booth 1015, Connect 4 Hoops
Second Place: Betson Enterprises, Booth 415, 515, 615, and 815, SuperBikes 3
Games & Devices (Midway Games and Equipment)
First Place: Bob’s Space Racers, Inc., Booth 2615 and 2815, Hang Time
Services, Equipment & Supplies
First Place: Redemption Plus, Booth 224, Redemption Plus Service Packages
Second Place: Bouncy Castle Network, Booth 5475, Bouncy Castle Network Booking System
Best New Product Concept Award: Major Ride Attraction
First Place: Wiegand Josef GMBH & Co. KG, Booth 3486, SlideCoaster
Second Place: Delta Strike International Ltd, Booth 3815, Genesis Laser Tag Equipment
Best New Product Concept Award: Major Ride/Attraction
First Place: Holovis, Booth 1378, Li-Fly
Second Place: Polin Waterparks, Booth 847, Time Rider
Best New Product Concept Award: Other Product/Service
First Place: Gatemaster Technology Corporation, Booth 3165, ParkTrainer
Second Place: Holovis, Booth 1378, HoloTrac
IMPACT AWARD WINNER: ProSlide Technology Inc., Booth 1838, 2035
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